Crazy night at The Cowboy Club

What an awesome time the Cowboy Club was on JUNETEENTH. No one got naked but if we had another 30 minutes, who knows? Ty Young and “The Side Show Drifters” opened up the show and then accompanied me for the rest of the night. Scott Lytle (known as Cowboy) put together his “Thunder Johnson”, Complete with a 1938 Samsonite suite case for drums, Brad King on the bass and Ty Young throwing down some kickass lead and vocals catapulted the night into the stratosphere.

The 2 CD’s, “Jesus” and “Shadows On The Wall” were a huge success and the CD release party hasn’t even happened yet.

Also, I finally got the preview pages up so if you would like to hear some samples of the CD’s, be my guest. Just select the “Music Preview” button in the menu and enjoy.


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